Online Teaching
Comment les influenceurs transforment l’image des casinos en ligne
Les influenceurs ont un impact majeur sur les casinos modernes en ligne, en façonnant les tendances et en transformant l’image de ces plateformes de jeux de hasard. Grâce à leur présence sur les réseaux sociaux, ils parviennent à atteindre un Read more…
Getting Parents Involved
How to develop a relationship with your stepson
After a night of debauchery in Las Vegas, a groggy man wakes up to find a scantily clad woman next to him in bed. On the table, he sees what appears to be a wedding photo from one of the Read more…
Business and ethics
As an entrepreneur, at times, you may have to adopt austerity measures to manage the financial affairs of the company or there may be many measures that may tend to make compromises on the quality of the products you manufacture Read more…
Online Teaching
Consistency is what makes a high-quality online course
Enrollment in online courses is growing and growing. In 2018, nearly seven million students enrolled in online courses. In 2020, 82% of K-12 students attended schools that offered some form of distance education. What makes a good, high-quality online course? Read more…
Getting Parents Involved
Science Fair projects to make everyone happy
science fair projects Kids think it should be fun. Teachers believe they should be pedagogical. Parents just want it to be quick and easy. Since students, teachers, and parents are all involved in the process of getting ready for a Read more…
Community Outreach
How not to do a short film review of a book
When I read How Not to Make a Short Film I felt more and more deceived, not by the book but by my film school. Why didn’t my teachers teach me these things? This is a book every film student, Read more…
Tyrannosaurus Rexina and Creative Physics Ethics
Apparently, the fossil record tells us that the female Tyrannosaurus Rex was much larger than the male and during mating season it had to tread very carefully. It seems that the female needed to consume greater amounts of calcium to Read more…
Online Teaching
Abbreviations, acronyms and jargon in the world of English language learning
Once you start teaching TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) classes or if you are simply interested in the basics, you will come across important terms that are usually abbreviated. These terms are essential when you want to communicate Read more…
Community Outreach
Loss of grief in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community
The pain of grief is present for all losses, whether the husband or the lover. A partnership transcends classifications and roles and a partner is essential when a strong bond exists. No matter how the relationship is called, the pain Read more…